First and foremost we believe specialized tradespeople provide the best quality workmanship. For this reason B Wise Contractors provides professional installations using tradespeople that are experts in their respective trade.
Unquestionably all of our crews are specialized tradespeople including:
- Window & Capping Installers
- Exterior Insulation & Cladding Specialists
- Finishing Carpenters – Custom Cabinetry & Interior Accents
- Drywall Installation Professionals
- Seasoned Painters and Finishers
- Ceramic, Stone and Porcelain Tile Installers
- Certified Plumbers and Electricians
- Roofers
Rest assured our crews are hand selected based on proven track records of workmanship, and professional customer service. All in all a team that takes pride in its work provides the most value for your home renovation!
Our Professionally Completed Renovations Add Value
Indeed obtaining the best quality, highest performing materials is only half the battle.
The fact of the matter is, only properly installed building materials perform well. Needless to say, the best performing materials are installed per the manufacturer’s instructions. After all your renovation is an investment. By and large an investment that provides a comfortable, healthy space. Not mention providing energy savings.
After all, with the time and money you’ve spent researching to find the best materials, don’t you deserve to get the best return on that investment?
Be sure to maximize the return on investment of your renovation and construction materials.
Call (780) 489-0181, or contact us to book an appointment today!